Ted Savas Zoom- November 12th

Please join us for our November 12th, 2024 Zoom program. Our special opening guest will be author and publisher Theodore Savas of Savas Beatie LLC, the largest independent publisher of Civil War books.

Ted will be doing a 20 Q + A with us, and we want to know: what question would you ask Ted Savas if you had the chance? Let us know. Please email your questions to  civilwarmuseumdoylestown@gmail.com

Speaker Ron Coddington - "Black Soldiers in Blue: Portraits and Personal Accounts"

Join the Bucks County Civil War Roundtable for our Monthly Speaker Meeting at Doylestown Borough Hall. It will be on Tuesday August 6th starting at 7:00PM. This is sure to be a fascinating topic. Mr. Ronald S. Coddington will be discussing, “Black Soldiers in Blue: Portraits and Personal Accounts.” We welcome all history lovers to attend this free event.

Speaker David Barnes- Saturday, July 20th- Lazaretto Quarantine Station

Join us at The Bucks County Civil War Museum on Saturday, July 20th at 11:00 AM for our Saturday Speaker Series. This is going to be a fascinating topic. David Barnes, associate professor at the University of Pennsylvania, will talk about the Lazaretto Quarantine Station in Philadelphia. It is the oldest surviving quarantine station in the Western Hemisphere . This piece of hidden history is an incredibly interesting story with Bucks County ties. There is no charge but donations are welcome.


Pastor David Jackson March 23rd

Join us at the Bucks County Civil War Museum and Library on March 23rd for our Saturday Speaker Series. We are excited to welcome Pastor David Jackson who will talk about the history of the Mount Gilead Community Church of Buckingham. Mount Gilead was built in 1834 and became a safe haven for freed and runaway slaves right here in Bucks County. We’ll explore the impact the church had on countless generations and the personalities who helped shape “The Little Church on the Mountain.” The presentation will start at 11:00am and will be a family friendly and free event. Donations are welcome.