Discover Bucks County, 150 years ago.


Our Mission

Residing within the historic Hall House, our museum holds many rare artifacts related to the Civil War period, with emphasis on the region of Bucks County and the town's own famous 104th Pennsylvania Volunteer "Ringgold" Regiment. Many of the museum's exhibits and artifacts including works of art, maps, photographs, flags, and sculptures are on permanent loan from the Bucks County Civil War Round Table and regional collections. With special exhibits and a unique variety of artifacts amidst a beautiful circa 1835 Federal era setting, the museum experience offers unique insight to the nineteenth century character of the community and a glimpse into life as it was during the 1860s. Visit us to see aspects of both local history and remnants of one of the most important events in our country's history.


The Bucks County Civil War Museum & Library is generously supported by the following donors: