Regular meetings are held at the Doylestown Borough Hall, 10 Doyle Street, Doylestown, at 7:00 P.M. Parking is available next to the building. All are welcome. Free.
More information: 215-348-4870 


2025 Speaker Schedule for Bucks County CWRT

(Please NOTE the change in the scheduling of in-person meetings!!)

Book Reviews -We have two a year (March and November); December meeting is annual Holiday Luncheon.

January, 2025

Zoom Speaker Series; date and details announced by email.

February, 2025

Zoom Speaker Series; date and details announced by email.

March 1, 2025

BOOK REVIEW—Book TBD – 1 pm; Book reviews are at the Bucks County Civil War Museum and Library.

April, 2025

Zoom Speaker Series; date and details announced by email.

May 6, 2025

&&¶Nancy Jill Hale – “For Honorable Living and Hopeful Dying: Union Chaplains in the Civil War” (confirmed)

June 3, 2025

§¶John Michael Priest, “The Emperor’s New Clothes: A fresh assessment of the First Corps on July 1, 1863” (confirmed)

July 1, 2025

&&¶Victor Vignola, “Contrasts in Command - the Battle of Fair Oaks May 31 - June 1, 1862” (confirmed)

August 5, 2025

**¶John Benson, “The Miller Cornfield” (confirmed)

September 2, 2025

**☺Vignettes—Members of the Bucks County CWRT will each present a short, 15-minute vignette of a personage from the Civil War period. Following are the speakers and topics: Kathryn Finch, “Sex and the Civil War”; Gerry Mayers, “The Great Snowball Battle of 1863”;

October 7, 2025

&&¶--Bernadette Loeffel-Atkins, “Widow’s Weeds & Weeping Veils” (confirmed).

November 2, 2025

BOOK REVIEW–Book TBD – 1 pm; Book reviews are at the Bucks County Civil War Museum and Library.

December 7, 2025

Annual Holiday Luncheon, Doylestown Civil War Museum & Library; date and details announced by email.

- Returning speaker from previous year(s) with new topic

♦ -- Presentation rescheduled from another year due to scheduling issues.

☺- Needs to use computer projector (or ZOOM) for presentation.

¶ -- May need use of projector for presentation; contacted and awaiting confirmation.


Possible for reschedules:

Meetings, except where noted, will be in the Doylestown Borough Hall, 10 Doyle Street, Doylestown. Meetings begin at 7 p.m. There is no admission charge.

All are welcome.